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liLike / Dislike Sentiment Capture

To gather attendee sentiment on specific agenda items, you can enable and customize a Like / Dislike feature that appears on agenda items throughout the platform. 

Like/Dislike will display every where the agenda item appears, by default. This includes:

After an attendee has chosen "Like" or "Dislike" on an Agenda Item, that selection will appear in all places the Agenda Item appears as the Attendee moves between pages on the event site.

Configuration of Like / Dislike Feature

Event Admins can use Agenda Advanced imports to update multiple agenda items. See below for more information. 

To enable Like / Dislike for an Agenda Item, from the Edit Agenda Item page, enable the toggle next to ADD LIKE / DISLIKE TO SESSION. This will reveal 5 fields that Event Admins can customize unique to this Agenda Item.

Image of Like/Dislike Feature Options in Eventfinity Dashboard

Import Like / Dislike Options with Advanced Agenda Import

You can use the following columns with an Advanced Agenda Import:


You can download a report of all Agenda Item Like/Dislike responses by going to Interactive > Reporting > Attendee Likes/Dislikes and selecting Agenda Items as your Plugin Type.

Survey Reports can be downloaded from the Interactive > Surveys & Polling page by clicking the “Download Report” icon for each survey.