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Updating Assets

Published February 2, 2024


Many clients have repeatable events that benefit from cloning from one event to another. Sometimes event assets need to be updated (change one PDF to another for example) or relinked to work correctly. This article will explore best practices in updating these assets and any associated links. 

Physically Swapping Assets

Event assets can be updated and changed easily by simply editing the asset. This eliminates the need to add new assets and update any links that are referenced in other content.

How To

1. Navigate to Content | Assets

2. Find the asset to update and click the Edit Icon 

3. Add the new asset

4. Rename the Asset if Needed

5. Click Save

Automatically Update Asset Links Using Shortcodes

A shortcode is a simple code snippet inside double square brackets, like [[shortcode]], representing a more complex code function. When a page is rendered, these shortcodes are replaced dynamically with the corresponding output from the plugin or function they represent. For example, a shortcode might be used to embed a video, image, HTML, and other assets. 

Benefits of Shortcode Plugins

The benefit of using shortcodes is that when an event is cloned, any links to assets are updated automatically using the new asset SHORT TAG. For example, you have a repeatable HTML home screen block that contains a welcome video asset. 

If these links are hard coded using the standard hyperlink (<a href="url">link text</a>each link will need to be updated. They must be updated as the asset url will change and break the link. 

Example of standard hyperlink

All asset SHORT TAGs are automatically updated when the event is cloned. 

If shortcodes using SHORT TAGS are used to link, any links where the asset is linked, the links will also be updated when an event is cloned.

For example:

Example of a shortcode hyperlink using SHORT TAGS

Eventfinity Shortcodes Plugin Shortcodes

The standard short code for an asset is [[efasset:assetSHORT TAG]]. The asset SHORT TAG can be found on the Content | Assets page. 

Example link <a href="[[efasset:54769]]">link name</a>

There are also eight Eventfinity plugin shortcodes that can be used. These follow a precise convention format

Format:  [[efplugin-plugin_type:plugin_id]]

Example <a href="[[efplugin-EventForm:23331]]">My form</a>

Plugin shortcodes use the plugin ID. There are no SHORT TAGs for plugins. 

Available Shortcodes