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Importing Agendas

To import an agenda into Eventfinity, go to the admin panel, Agenda > Agenda Items > Add Agenda Item > Import Agenda Items from File. You can download a CSV template from the modal that comes up. Agenda CSV template also attached here: agenda-sample.csv


The columns name, date, start_time and locations are required for all new imports. Any columns that are not required can be omitted from the import. 

The column end_time, if being input, must be greater than start_time.

To update existing data, the column id is required and must relate to the schedule item you wish to update.

Importer Columns

For all Y or N fields below, N is always the default setting.

name*The name of your Agenda Item. 
date*The date that your agenda item is happening. In the format of 3/14/18
start_time* The start time of your event.
end_time The end time of your event. If you do not add an end time for your agenda item, it will be listed with only a start time, but this also means that it will not show up in the "What's Happening Now" agenda box on the homescreen. 
short_description This text will show up on the agenda list page. See image below. Short description is labeled with 1
locations* The name of the location where your agenda item is happening. You can add multiple locations to one agenda item by comma separating the locations.

Y or N

If Y, the location listed will be a clickable link.


If Y was entered for has_location_link, enter the URL here where you want it to go.

For example, you can link the location text to a Google maps location by entering https://goo.gl/maps/MkmvrWAbkJhNVAXH8. You can find the Google maps link to any location by searching for the location in Google maps, then hitting the Share button, find the Link to Share and copy the link.

You could also link your location to an image or PDF map. If this is already hosted somewhere else, you can just paste the link here. To host it in Eventfinity, in the admin panel, go to Event App > Materials > create new material. Once you've uploaded your image/PDF, there will be a URL you can grab and paste here. 


Y or N

This toggles on or off the detail page for that agenda item. If Y, the app user will be able to click in to a secondary page from the agenda item. In the image below, the clickable carat signifying there is a detail page is marked with a 2. The second image shows what the detail page itself looks like once the app user clicks in. 

detail_page_textThis can be a longer description or more information that will show up on the detail page. Labeled with a 3 in below image.

The following 3 go together, and as many of these can be added as you want. These add Plugin links to the agenda Detail Page. The group is circled with a yellow rectangle, and labeled with 4. For each one of these groups, add a new column for header, type and ID. For example, to add a second group, add 3 new columns:




Do this for each new plugin you want to add to the detail page.

The header is the title of your detail page link. Labeled with 5.  


The type indicates what type of plugin you are linking here. The types available to enter here are:

  • Library
  • Question
  • Directory
  • Photo Stream
  • Interactive Map
  • Form

The ID of the specific link you want to attach. You can find this by going to the list page of the plugin section you are trying to attach, and checking the ID of the specific plugin item. For example, if I am trying to link to my "Hotel Information" library page, I would go to Event App > Libraries, and look in this list for the Hotel Information library page and checking the ID number next to it. 

The name of your plugin is what will show up as the link, labeled 6. If I linked my library page called "Hotel Information", Hotel Information is what will show up beneath my header.


Y or N

If Y, the agenda item will be hidden. To make it visible to only certain people, add a Group ID in the following column.

If N (default), the agenda item will be visible to any attendee who has access to this event. 


Only applicable if is_private is Y

This sets what groups will be able to see the private agenda item. Group IDs can be found by going to Attendees > Groups List and checking the ID number next to the Group that you want to add.


Y or N

If Y, turns on the ticketing functionality for this agenda item. Also will make this agenda item show up on the Session Registration page in the app. 


The following 3 go together. These add a button link on the agenda list page. Labeled with 7. Only a maximum of one of these can be added to each agenda item. 

The type indicates what type of plugin you are linking here. The types available to enter here are:

  • Library
  • Question
  • Directory
  • Photo Stream
  • Interactive Map
  • Form

The ID of the specific link you want to attach. You can find this by going to the list page of the plugin section you are trying to attach, and checking the ID of the specific plugin item. For example, if I am trying to link to my "Hotel Information" library page, I would go to Event App > Libraries, and look in this list for the Hotel Information library page and checking the ID number next to it. 

plugin_button_textSets the text that will display on the button labeled 7.

Only applicable if fontawesome icons in the agenda are turned on. To toggle this setting, go to Agenda (Scheduling) > Agenda Settings > "Enable FontAwesome icons in the agenda"

To set the fontawesome icon for each agenda item, add the icon code you want here. Eg fa-cocktail

Fontawesome codes can be found here: https://fontawesome.com/icons

Agenda List page                               Agenda Detail Page                           Agenda Detail Page cntd.