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Conditional Logic in Emails

The Eventfinity emailer allows you to insert conditional statements into the body of your email that dynamically determine whether or not an attendee can see certain content. It will be based on whether an attendee's profile matches a given criteria.

Format for adding conditionals:

[[if field_slug==value]] Put whatever information here you want to show the attendee if they match the specified criteria. [[/endif]]

where field_slug is just the name of the field you are filtering by, and value is either true for checkbox field types, or the text value of what is in that field. If this criteria is met for a given attendee, they will see the information between the conditional and the endif. 


[[if playeraccess==true]] You a player. [[/endif]]

[[if favcolor==black]] Congratulations [[first_name]], you've won a black shirt! [[/endif]]

[[if hasaccess==true]] Please proceed to gate [[gateno]]. [[/endif]]