Enrollable Session - Attendee Registration Export/Import
To view attendees who have signed up for enrollable sessions, go to Agenda > Enrollable Items, or to the Enrollable tab on the parent agenda item edit page. On each enrollable session row, there is a "view" button that will pop up a modal to show who is currently enrolled in that session.
Exporting Attendee Enrollable Session Status
If you'd like to export this, from the Agenda > Enrollable Items page, click on the Export button and select Export Attendee Time Slots. This will export an excel grid of all attendees and all enrollable sessions, with "true" in the attendee rows for the sessions they are enrolled for.
Importing Attendee Enrollable Session Status
You can use this export template to also edit the registration status of attendees on the enrollable items. You can also get a template by going to Data Imports > Importer > Create Import > Enrollable Attendee Import > Download Template. This is also where you'd upload your import sheet when it's ready.
To register an attendee for a session, simply put "true" in the column of the enrollable session you want to register them for.