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Time Zone Management


Set the timezone for your event in Event Settings > Event Info. The timezone used here will be the event timezone that all the agenda items are in, as well as set the timezone for reporting timestamps.

Agenda Settings

By default, localized timezones are off, and agenda items display just as they are - unchanged from how they were added into Dashboard. To turn on localized timezones to automatically adjust agenda item times for where the attendee is, go to Agenda > Agenda Settings > Enable Localized Agenda Timezones

Here, you can also choose to turn on the timezone display (Display User's Timezone in Agenda), which will automatically show a timezone shortcode after all agenda times in the event portal, according to what timezone is being viewed. If localized timezones are off, this display will just be the event's timezone.

User Timezones

If the localized timezone is turned on in agenda settings, this is how we find the user's timezone:

*Important to note that in the above 2 scenarios, the timezone is set upon login. So if you change your IP or your device timezone, you will need to log out of the event portal and log back in to see the timezone update reflected. 

User timezone attendee field

The exception to the above scenarios is if an attendee has their timezone field set to something. If there is something in the timezone attendee field, it will not update on log in, but instead, only update if someone manually changes the field. 

The field will only get set if an admin user sets it from Dashboard or via an import, or if the attendee sets it themselves via the update timezone modal.

Attendee - Update Timezone
To give attendees the ability to set their own timezone, go to Content > Homescreen Builder > Navigation. At the top of the navigation edit page, there is an option to add an update timezone item. 

Selecting this will automatically add to the Settings section. On the front end, the user will get an "Update Timezone" option in the navigation, and when clicked, will pull up a modal for the attendee to select a timezone. 

Setting timezone field via Dashboard

Timezone can be edited on Dashboard like any other attendee field. By default, the field will show up under the Language field under general attendee info on the attendee profile in Dahsboard. If you do not see this in your event, go to Attendee Settings > Attendee Fields, scroll to the bottom and hit Reset (please not that hitting reset will preserve custom fields, but it will remove custom field ordering, visibility settings, and custom sections).

You can set the attendee's timezone here, or on the attendee list page, inline on the table, or using batch update. 

You can also import attendee timezones. To do this, please refer to this list of timezone formats to use, as the list for importing is different from the GMT offset format the attendee sees.