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Uploading Attendee Photos


Attendee profile photos or avatars can be manually added to an attendee by clicking in to an attendee from Dashboard's Attendee List page. You can drag and drop to add your photo, and then have some basic photo editing capabilities right from here to be able to crop and adjust brightness of your photo if desired. 

A note on file sizes
As with all images uploaded for web, please make sure that your image is "Saved for Web" (which you can do in Photoshop, or just make sure that your photo is at 72 dpi instead of 300), and a reasonable pixel size (as a good rule, profile images should not need to be more than 800px x 800px). Saving images as jpgs instead of pngs also helps to reduce file size. These things combined should result in images never being more than about 1MB, and keeping the file size to a reasonable weight will ensure that your Directory of attendees will not take too long to load.

Importing/Bulk Uploading Attendee Avatars

  1. To bulk upload photos for attendees, first, prep your folder of images. You will need all photos to be in a flat folder, aka no folders within folders. The folder should contain only the images you're trying to import. Please refer to the note on file sizes above to make sure all photos are an acceptable size. Select all photos, and compress to make a zip folder of your photos.

  2. Create a custom field in your event, which you'll be using to enter in the photo filenames

  3. Set up a spreadsheet of all attendees you are trying to upload images for. At minimum, your spreadsheet columns will need to have email, first_name, last_name, and the column where you'll enter the filename of the photo for the attendee. This is how we pair the photos with the attendees. The column header should be the slug of the custom field you just created.

  4. Populate the photo filename column with the filenames for each attendee. Enter in the filename without the extension. For example, if the Jane Doe's photo is jane_doe.jpg, enter "jane_doe" in the spreadsheet row.

  5. When you're done, go to Data Imports > Importer > Attendee import and import your filename spreadsheet.

  6. Go to Data Imports > Avatar Importer > + New Avatar Import. There will be some instructions here as well. In the linked attendee field dropdown, select your photo filename custom field.

  7. Select or drag and drop your compressed zip folder of photos from step 1. Click Import

  8. You can view the status of the import on the Data Imports > Avatar Importer page. When it's done, click into some of the attendees and/or view a directory in the event portal to check the import was successful

If you already have attendee photos hosted somewhere else, you can use the image URLs instead of having to download and import the photos!:

  1. Set up an attendee import spreadsheet. At minimum, your spreadsheet columns will need to have email, first_name, last_name, and user_avatar

  2. Paste the image URL into the user_avatar field

  3. When you're done adding the image URLs for all your attendees in the sheet, go to Data Imports > Importer > Attendee import and import your spreadsheet.

  4. When the import is done, click into some of the attendees click into some of the attendees and/or view a directory in the event portal to check that the hosted images are showing up properly