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Social Stream Gamification

Eventfinity allows you to gamify posting on the social stream by awarding points to attendees who post with certain hashtags. This can be used to do something like a photo challenge in your event to encourage engagement and activity in the social stream. 

When setting up your game points, make your game point type slug what you want the hashtag to be. For example, if my photo challenge instructions to the attendee are to post photos with the hashtags #photo-of-the-day, #pets, #wfh-setup, then make 3 separate point type slugs: 

1) photo-of-the-day  

2) pets  

3) wfh-setup

The value of each point type dictates how many points an attendee will get for posting something in the social stream with that hashtag. If you want each attendee to be able to only earn points for the hashtag once, make the number in "max points per attendee" equivalent to the value. So that once they've posted once and earned those points, even if they post again with that hashtag, they will not continue to rack up points. 

Note that points for this are automatically assigned. If you want to check to make sure the post actually meets the challenge requirements, that will need to be done manually.