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Setting up and Running - Stream Conductor


Stream Conductor on Eventfinity allows realtime management of various assets and streams giving director control on when assets and video streams are being broadcasted onto a Main Stage.

Stream Conductor can be found on Dashboard under Streaming > Stream Conductor.

There are Six Steps to setting up Stream Conductor. 

  1. Assemble and add assets 
  2. Add Livestreams
  3. Create Video Configs for any external client provided CDNs

  4. Add Stream Conductors and Attach Presentables.

  5. Create New Mainstages and attach Stream Conductor

  6. Operate and Start Stream Conductor


Step 1

Assets - Broadcast Slates

VODs - Video On Demand Files

Step 2

Live Stream for Stream Conductor


Step 3

Video Config for External or Client Provided Live Stream CDNs 

Step 4

Add Stream Conductor


Step 5

Create Main Stage and Attach 

Step 6

Operating Stream Conductor