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Notifications Overview

Updated January 9, 2024


Push notification functionality is a key feature of Gramercy Tech mobile apps. Event managers leverage notifications to send important reminders, links to surveys and content, and more. 

Additionally, event managers can use Eventfinity’s reporting features to measure app engagement and communication effectiveness.

Before these features can be used, the app needs permission. Mobile apps and browsers require the user's permission to access and send notifications for several important reasons, primarily related to user privacy, security, and a positive user experience. 

This article will review the setting up and sending of a message, notification permissions workflow, the various engagement reports, and how to troubleshoot notification issues. 

Table of Contents

Creating Notifications

  1. To create a notification, open Communications | Push Notifications and click the + New Push Notification button.
  2. Give the notification a title using the INTERNAL NAME field. This field will not be a part of the actual notification but can be helpful in notification reporting and historical searches. 
  3. Choose your audience with the NOTIFICATION TYPE select tool. The three options are to individual attendees, groups, or the entire event.
  4. If your event has a PWA you can provide a MESSAGE TITLE that will appear in the device notification. In this example, the message title is Are you ready? If nothing is entered here, the message will default to Important Message.

  5. Enter your MESSAGE TEXT.
  6. You can ATTACH PLUGINS if you would like to have the user redirected to a specific page in the app when the message is tapped from the Notifications menu.
  7. If you wish to schedule the notification to be sent at some point in the future, set the date and time with the SCHEDULE NOTIFICATION toggle.
  8. If you wish to send the notification later but need flexibility on the date and time, choose SAVE AS TEMPLATE.
  9. If you are ready to send now, click the Send Notification Now button, and confirm the send.

Related: App Alerts and Notifications Character Counts

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Granting Push Notification Permissions

Eventfinity offers two types of event mobile applications, native and progressive web applications (PWA). 

A native app is designed for a particular operating system (like iOS or Android) and is typically downloaded and installed from app stores. Gramercy Tech’s native apps include Eventfinity Live and customer containers. In contrast, a PWA is accessed through a web browser, offering cross-platform compatibility. PWAs are designed to work offline and are responsive to different screen sizes, providing a more accessible and versatile user experience without installing an app store.

App device notifications are messages or alerts generated by a native or progressive web application to inform users about specific events, updates, or interactions related to the app. Depending on the device and platform, device notifications can include pop-up alerts, sounds, badges, or banners.

Enabling Native App Notifications - Eventfinity Live and Custom Containers (iOS only)

  1. After logging in to EF Live or a custom container, the user is presented with a list of events available to the user based on the user’s email address.
  2. After selecting an event, an iOS permission message dialogue box is presented to the user. To enable notifications, the user should select Allow. 

  3. Device notification alerts will not be received if this button is dismissed or Don’t Allow is selected. 

iOS Troubleshooting Native App Notifications

If a user is not receiving notifications follow these steps to get it working

  1. Validate that the user has the most recent App available for download from the app store
  2. On the iPhone, go to Settings | Notifications. Scroll to the event and make sure notifications are enabled. 
  3. If not enabled, toggle the notifications on.
    1. Log out of the app
    2. Log back in - and device notifications will now be enabled.

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Enabling Progressive Web App (PWA) Notifications

Troubleshooting PWA Notifications

If a user is not receiving notifications follow these steps to resolve.



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Additional Administrative Resources

In individual attendee profiles, there is a Registered Devices tab. This tab contains two sections that can show if an individual user has accepted push notifications. 

Registered Devices: This section is populated when a user accepts notifications for a native app, meaning Eventfinity Live, or a custom container. It gives a timestamp of when notifications were accepted (created at) the OS version, OS name, and device brand. 

Web Push Subscriptions: Scrolling down under Registered Devices, Web push subscriptions are populated only when notifications are allowed on a PWA app. The Test button can be used to send a one-time notification to a PWA to troubleshoot notification issues. 
NOTE: The delete buttons should be used only by back-end developers for troubleshooting. 

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Engagement Reporting

scroll down to APP NOTIFICATIONS

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